Monday, January 15, 2007

Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow!

Hah! I did this querky guy pretty recently, and I must say that I think he is my favorite, even above Thorn! And, I kinda like how my pictures are actually sketchy, don't you guys? The different texture just appeals to me for some reason; I may never go back to being truly "life-like". What do you think?
Also, any ideas for who's next?


emerald lily said...

Ummmm, I wish I were better with words, but seeing as how I'm not, I'll just be blunt. I have NO CLUE who you are, but I appreciate the compliments.
I did visit your site, but I have no interest in making money at home, that's what I'm going to school for.
These pictures that I drew, and all of these posts are just hobbies of mine, and I intend to keep them that way.
Thanks for the compliment though!:)

Leighanne said...

Don't freak out! Wierd people have commented more than once on my site. One guy in particular that I couldn't figure out how to block....but anyhow, just ignore him.

Oh, and this is for you, jd_5231: I believe that your esteemed prescence here is unwanted, so if you will do Lily the kind honor of never returning, we'd appreciate it!

Love and Health,

Leighanne said...

Quirky, as opposed to querky. :-)


emerald lily said...

quirky, querky, what difference does it make, he's it! ;P

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I am sending you an e-mail sometime today. :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm coming to Nac! INVITE ME TO YOUR HOUSE!!!!! :-)


Ellentia said...


Leighanne said...

I missed the mail pickup today, but I'm sending you a Valentine's card! Sorry it's late!!!!!


Leighanne said...

Hello, darling. How are you? Miss ya. Bet you're enjoying no ballet! You're going to CYF AREN'T YOU????? *stares* :-)