Saturday, February 24, 2007

What do you think?

Hey guys! I'm just goofing off on the internet and I thought that I would let you guys see how I'm planning on getting my hair cut.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow!

Hah! I did this querky guy pretty recently, and I must say that I think he is my favorite, even above Thorn! And, I kinda like how my pictures are actually sketchy, don't you guys? The different texture just appeals to me for some reason; I may never go back to being truly "life-like". What do you think?
Also, any ideas for who's next?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Picture!!

Boy, I haven't been able to do this in a while, but here's a new picture for you guys!!! This creature may look like a horse, but it came from a book series that I really love. These beings are called Companions, and they're kind of like guardian angels that choose certain people to become Heralds that serve as the champions of truth, justice, honor, and all that good stuff. Companions are just as intelligent, if not more so ;), than humans, so when you look at my picture, you're supposed to see that. Tell me if it's true.