Monday, July 10, 2006

Coming Soon!

Here's a list of drawings that I'm planning on doing:
  • Boromir- Lord of the Rings....Done!
  • Elrond- Lord of the Rings
  • Eowyn- Lord of the Rings
  • Faramir- Lord of the Rings
  • Frodo- Lord of the Rings
  • Sam- Lord of the Rings
  • Merry- Lord of the Rings
  • Pippin- Lord of the Rings
  • Gandalf- Lord of the Rings
  • Galadriel- Lord of the Rings....Done!
  • Gimli-Lord of the Rings
  • Gollum- Lord of the Rings
  • Saruman-Lord of the Rings
  • Sauron-Lord of the Rings
  • The Witchking of Agmar-Lord of the Rings
  • Jack Sparrow- Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Elizabeth Swann- Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Wolverine a.k.a Logan- X-men
  • Jean Grey- X-men
  • Cyclops a.k.a Scott- X-men
  • Storm a.k.a Aurora- X-men
  • Professor X a.k.a Charles Xavier- X-men
  • Magneto a.k.a Eric- X-men
  • Riddick (A close up)- The Chronicles of Riddick

If you have any specific requests about what should come first, I just have to say that I'm actually working on Boromir right now, but after that, anything goes. Or if you know of someone or something that you would like to see, let me know and I'll see if I can. Thanks!!



Leighanne said...

Guardian of the Lagoon and, grudgingly, the sketch of Legontis are the best. Props!


Ellentia said...

Well, helloe there. This is jc's sister. I liked all of your pictures, I like to draw but my drawings aren't any good so I don't publicise them. I think you should draw Galadrial next.

Leighanne said...

Nope, I vote Elizabeth Swann.


Ellentia said...


Leighanne said...


What does Cecilia think of all the stuff going on in Lebanon? Bet she's not thrilled. There's a profound thought.


Leighanne said...

Hey - when can I call you?


emerald lily said...

Okay, 1st of all, JC PENNY, the sketch is of LEGOLAS!!! Get the name straight. Legontis is your creepy life clock friend. Legolas is the handsomest creature to have ever walked the earth!!!! 2nd of all, I'm working on Boromir, and he's almost done, so it might be a while before I even start someone new. And 3rdly, just because you insulted the man of my dreams, I'm going to start with Galadriel next. SHAME ON YOU!!! OH THE SHAME!!! Joking. But yah, Galadriel will probably come before Elizabeth, I'm not sure, but something that might increase your chances is if you will admit your mistake, and tell me why I should do Elizabeth 1st. Ellentia, it might help you if you give me a reason too.

emerald lily said...

I don't know about Cecilia, I've in Oklahoma all week. I just tried to call her, but she's in Beaumont and won't be back until Monday.

Oh and you can call just about anytime now since I'm back.

emerald lily said...

Oh, and why are those two the best? I always seemed to think that the best were LEGOLAS, Aragorn, Arwen, and Thorn. C'mon, gimme some feedback!

emerald lily said...


Ellentia said...

I personaly liked Thorn and Legolas and Aragorn the best, although I liked them all. I want you to draw Galadrial next because she is an Elf and she is a nice charichter and she has an interesting face. If you need more reasons then that let me know and I will give you more.

Leighanne said...

*sigh* props means good job, high five, etc. Sheesh.


Ellentia said...

Well for your info I didn't know what props meant either

Leighanne said...

Look at this - you would be insulted

Leighanne said...

You might enjoy this:

Leighanne said...

Awwwww! so sad! This is just a sad way.

Ellentia said...

The first two videos you said to look at jc are the same!