Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What Next?

Okay people, I've finished the first request from my "Coming Soon" list, so what should I do next? If you can't remember what is still up for grabs, just scroll down to the article, or if this thing lasts so long that the article is no longer available for scrolling down, well, go find it! ;)
Remember, Only you can choose! **Yeh, right. ;) ** But you do have a great influence.


Leighanne said...


bop bop bop, bop to the top!


emerald lily said...

i hate you for that. i had just gotten that song out of my head.

Leighanne said...

Slip and slide, ride that rhythm, jump and hop, hop to the top!


Ellentia said...

And strut your stuff! By the way, I commented on your preveious post, I would have don it sooneer but I haven't had the time.

Leighanne said...

You tell me if we are main parts enough for you. I am flattered that you don't totally hate it and I couldn't dream of thinking you selfish for wanting to be necessary, darling. O goodness, now I sound like Esther. DAHLING! You are the sensible one, I am more dreamy and...I dunno. Happy? So here's the end of the thingy.

The king orders Sir Valentine to go and defeat Lord Valdir, which he does. Just before the fallen Lord breathes his last, he removes his helmet and Valentine finds it is his old comrade, Alistair. When Dominique hears of Alistair’s sinister deeds, she’s dies of grief.
Valentine is overcome with grief because of what he has done and is thrown into emotional turmoil. He fights a battle within himself – good and evil struggle. He then gazes upon the dead body of Dominique as she is taken to be buried in the green fields of her old village. Good is victorious. He swears an oath of loyalty and becomes a knight as well, and Valentine marries Elenya.


emerald lily said...

All right for ELENYA!!!!! Woooo!!! No more Eleeeni!!!!
That's a good plan, I like that plan! But I think we still need a few more twists in the plot. Though what, I don't know.
Oh oh oh oh!!!! I know, we should have it to where Dominique runs away into some creepy forest in her grief and gets lost. And so Valentine goes to rescue her, but she is attacked by something before he finds her and she's near death. Guess what her dying wish is? That Valentine take care of Elenya, forgive Alistair, and not mourn her, for she is "...going to join the man I love." Dominique whisphered gasps of air. A slight frown appears on Valentine's face, as recent memories painfully resurface. She noticed and smoothed it away with a gentle touch. "No, I speak not of the man that you fought, I mourn for the loss of Alistair the village warrior, your friend,...my betrothed. I do not speak of the man that became bitter and cruel, who committed terrible crimes to innocent people, the man you vanquished." Dominique's eyes closed in pain as she gasped and clutched her side as the wound seeped away her life force. Opening them again, Valentine could see the fear there; she grasped his hand and fought to make one last request. Valentine had to strain to hear her next words, "Promise me, promise me that you will take care of Elenya, she will need you after I'm gone," Valentine tried to tell her that that was not true, that she was going to be okay, but she just shook her head and whisphered, " No, it is my time; Valentine, my dear friend, promise me you will!"
"I promise," he choked behind tears. She smiled softly and then asked, "Will you promise me something else?" "Anything" "Do you promise to forgive Alistair? However long it may take? And can you promise to not let my death hinder you from living the full life you so richly deserve?"
Valentine hesitated, but the pleading look in Dominique's eyes convinced him that is was the right thing to do. "I promise".
And with a soft sigh of relief, Dominique faded out of existence with a smile on her face, convinced that Valentine would hold true to his word.

Pretty cool death scene, Don't cha think??? ;)

emerald lily said...

Sorry, there was supposed to be a "between" in between "whisphered" and "gasps" there in that first line.

Ellentia said...

Very cool death scien. I think you should draw Pippin next.

Leighanne said...

Arggghhh! Can't you, just for once, say Frodo too and NOT try to oppose me! I am the ELDEST!!! Oh yes, I wondred about "whipered" and "gasps." I'm not dyselxic. *happy thought*